Must-know Knowledge of Custom-Tailored Suits

Suits 101

Is the price of custom shirts very high? Those who have tried them say: once you go custom, you can never go back!
Most people have heard of bespoke suits, but did you know that custom shirts are also quite common? Shirts are versatile and great for various outfits, from business to casual occasions. Additionally, the price of custom shirts isn't as expensive as you might think. The biggest advantage of tailored shirts is that they highlight your body’s strengths and enhance your appearance, allowing you to showcase your confidence and charm.
人人皆知,每個男人都該有一套好看的訂製西裝。但人們往往忽略了擁有一件好襯衫的重要性。一件好的襯衫,不只能伴你征戰商場辦公室、也能讓你成為你周末穿搭的一部份。究竟訂製襯衫有哪些訣竅呢? 快一起看下去。